23-24 June 2022Amsterdam, Netherlands

Join us in June at the Positive Energy Districts Conference in Amsterdam for a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, share ideas and develop new insights with policymakers, researchers and civil servants.

Based on the outcomes of the very lively pre-meeting on April 19, we have prepared a dynamic two-day programme, with interesting keynote speakers and inspiring excursions integrated into our programme. We provide you with the latest international insights on PEDs, teach you how to get a grip on the real implementation of technologies and systems, unlock European examples and tools for planning and implementing PEDs, and offer visits to cutting-edge demonstration sites in Amsterdam, with plenty of opportunities for mingling and networking.

The conference is free of charge and consists of two consecutive days, each with a slightly different but related focus:

23 June: Challenges, experiences, and lessons learned
• Policy highlights (from the Netherlands, among others)
• Excursions to PED projects in the Amsterdam South East area
• Plenary and working group discussions on planning and implementation

24 June: Cross-domain approaches to preparing and realising PEDs
• Research
• Concept development
• Learning environments for PEDs
• Policy and research agendas

Keynotes and excursions
Keynote speakers include Peter Rathje (CEO, ProjectZero) and Renée Heller (professor of Energy and Innovation, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences). We have selected several interesting excursions in or near Amsterdam South East. You can choose an excursion that focuses primarily on technology, the energy community, the role of commercial parties or policymaking on integrated sustainable neighbourhood development.