Dissemination, Communication & Exploitation

The project activities, progress and results will be thoroughly and regularly disseminated and communicated to both a professional community as well as the general public, to support the project’s ambitions of sharing the lessons learned to other cities and districts in the EU. For this, a dedicated website, social media activities, promotional material, news articles, scientific publications, information booklets, newsletters, webinars, videos, etc. will be carried out and supported by all partners. Partners will actively promote the outcomes of the project at regional, national and international events, both physically and digitally.

Moreover, the project results will be disseminated to higher education, involving students in developing PEDs in the Lighthouse Cities. New education material for students and professional audiences will be developed in the form of e.g. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Dedicated student lectures and tours will be organised to teach and inform about PEDs.

A framework for exploitation of the results and innovative measures that have been demonstrated in the project’s lifespan will be developed and implemented. The exploitation of project results is based on active intellectual property (IP) management.

This work package is led by Steinbeis Europa Zentrum.

Contact: Sabine Haessler, sabine.haessler@steinbeis-europa.de