“How do we keep the energy transition open, fair and inclusive?

This question has been raised by Socrates Schouten, who, as part of our partner Waag, is responsible for citizen engagement activities within ATELIER.

“The current ecological, economic and social system is under pressure. We are in a climate crisis where, time and time again, science tells us, the time frame for averting a catastrophe will not be long. Anyone who is serious about it, agrees that something needs to be done, and quickly.

Governments worldwide are preparing, embarking on, or in the midst of the “energy transition.” The current dependence on finite and highly polluting energy sources must be replaced by renewable and decentralized energy generation. And there you’ll find the challenges of the energy transition. How do we get a world addicted to oil in a state of repentance for an ultimate effort to save the survival of peaceful human life on this earth?”

Socrates Schouten
