At this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, a joint participation of 30 European initiatives and projects under the umbrella of the European Commission is taking place between November 15th and 17th, debating topics such as sustainability, inclusiveness but also safety and collectivity in cities to ensure a successful development of our cities, today and in the future.
For this purpose, Mark van Wees from ATELIER will host a partnered session on Day 2 at the EU Smart Cities Booth B21 together with representatives of POCITYF, MAKING-CITY as well as RESPONSE to discuss important questions such as: What do we know about Positive Energy Districts so far? Which aspects are still unclear to us? What are current urban issues that cities are facing today?

In addition, ATELIER’s coordinator Frans Verspeek will share his opinions and insights on climate neutrality in cities by 2030 during a morning session in the Central Agora on Day 3.

Our ATELIER colleagues from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, WP 8 Leader Mark van Wees and Sara Rueda Raya, Leader of the Task Group “Replication” as well as Nika Kotovica, project manager of ATELIER in the Fellow City Riga are looking forward to three exciting days in Barcelona.
Make sure to follow our Social Media channels for updates from the expo!