TNO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO) is one of the major contract research organisations in Europe. With a staff of approximately 3500 and an annual turnover of 580 million Euros, TNO is carrying out research in order to achieve impact on the following seven themes: Healthy Living, Industrial Innovation, Urbanisation, Energy, and Defence, Safety and Security.
TNO functions as an intermediary between basic research organisations and industry. By translating scientific knowledge into practical applications, TNO contributes to the innovation capacity of businesses and government. TNO is involved in many international projects (about 30% of the market turnover), including EU-funded collaborations.
In the theme Urbanisation applied research is carried out for related to solutions for liveable and competitive cities. This is done together with collaboration partners, governments and industry. Collectively we are applying our knowledge to improve the physical environment and make it sustainable. Our focus is on solutions in the fields of mobility, infrastructure and buildings, spatial planning and the environment.
TNO is leading work package 3 – PED Innovation Atelier and will participate in the work packages focusing on the Amsterdam PED demonstrator (WP4), as well as the Fellow Cities (WP 6). TNO will furthermore contribute to the long-term city vision of Amsterdam (WP 2) and contribute to the wider exploitation and dissemination of results (WP 10). TNO will provide its knowledge on technical, process and governance aspects of integrated urban planning processes, implementation of low energy districts, smart building technologies, integrated infrastructure, sustainable urban mobility and logistics, ICT and Data to the consortium.
Jeroen Brouwer
Main Contact TNO, Leader of Workpackage: PED Innovation Atelier