Paul Scherrer Institute
The Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. PSI performs world-class research in three main subject areas: Matter and Material; Energy and the Environment; and Human Health. By conducting fundamental and applied research, we work on long-term solutions for major challenges facing society, industry and science.
PSI’s Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA) is specialised in analysing and modelling the energy systems and policies considering diverse energy technologies today and in future, in particular by applying life cycle assessment, energy economic modelling and multiple-criteria decision analysis. Throughout the ample experience in energy systems analysis, LEA has contributed to the development and maintenance of databases and tools such as one of the world’s mostly-used life cycle assessment database ecoinvent, various TIMES-based energy system models at different regional scales (from city to global), Energy-related Severe Accident Database (ENSAD), etc.
With an expertise in energy technology and integrated energy systems analysis, PSI’s Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA) leads and is a key contributor to Workpackage 9 on Monitoring, Impact Assessment and Evaluation. The LEA is also involved the development of the City Visions in Workpackage 2. Specifically, LEA will assess the impacts based on life cycle assessment approach, which not only considers direct environmental effects but also broader impacts capturing indirect effects related to the extraction of resources, production of products, operation of buildings and the end-of-life disposal and recycling of materials. It also brings in its competence on quantitative energy systems modelling to support the development of the city visions.