With a history of over 170 years, Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world’s biggest electricity utilities by market capitalisation. We are leading the transition towards a sustainable energy model through investments in renewable energy, smart grids, large-scale energy storage and digital transformation, offering the most advanced products and services to our customers. We have set ourselves the target of achieving global carbon neutrality by 2050 and we expect our emissions intensity to be almost zero in Europe by 2030.

Iberdrola España, S.A.U. is the subholding company of the Iberdrola Group in Spain, which contains the equity stakes in the head of business companies relating to liberalised and renewable energy and whose activities shall be performed essentially in Spain. Iberdrola España carries out its business in Spain through the following parent companies for the businesses: Iberdrola Generación España, S.A.U, which performs the activities of generating electricity and marketing natural gas and electrical power; Iberdrola Renovables Energía, S.A.U., which performs the activities of generating electricity and marketing electrical power through renewable energy sources; and I-DE Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, S.A.U. a company which carries out activities associated with transmission, distribution and third-party access to the electrical power grid.

Role in the project

IBERDROLA will, due to its expertise in the energy sector, be the reference partner to manage and coordinate the energy framework of Bilbao Lighthouse City, focusing mainly on issues related to Grid Flexibility, integration of E-mobility and Positive Energy Blocks. The objective will be to analyse the complete value chain to customers/agents from two different perspectives: from an Energy Retailer and a Distribution System Operator (DSO), enabling the development and integration of distributed generation, energy storage and active demand management.


Eduardo Jiménez Bustos

Main partner contact
