Department for City Development, The Technical and Environmental Administration, City of Copenhagen

Byens Udvikling, Teknik- & Miljøforvaltningen, Københavns Kommune

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. The population of Copenhagen more than 610,000 inhabitants is expected to grow by 20% in the next decade. This opens an opportunity to combine infrastructural changes with green growth toward carbon neutrality in 2025.

The Department for City Development is responsible for the development of projects including projects within climate adaptation and mitigation. Currently, the department’s team for climate mitigation is preparing the third and last road map – Climate Road Map 2021-2025 – that is intended to show how Copenhagen can reach the 2025 target of carbon-neutrality.

The Department for City Development has numerous development projects within the four key areas of climate mitigation:  energy consumption, energy production, mobility and city administration initiatives. The Department works together with other city departments and external partners in the private and public sector. Cooperation with other cities is a key tool that brings inspiration and knowledge sharing among peers that is mutually beneficial.

Role in the project
The City of Copenhagen is a Fellow City in the ATELIER project. The City of Copenhagen will

  • prepare a City Vision 2050 (Workpackage 2),
  • establish a PED Innovation Atelier (Workpackage 3) and
  • prepare a plan for PED Replication & Upscaling (Workpackage 6).

An area in the North Harbour district has been selected as living lab for this work building on the lessons learnt and the network created in EnergyLab Nordhavn. The ambition is to formulate a plan for creating a PED on the Levantkaj in the North Harbour district using innovative concepts such as co-creation and energy communities. Such initiatives are part of the buildings blocks that will help realise the vision of a fossil-free liveable Copenhagen in 2050 – maybe even earlier.


Kirsten Dyhr-Mikkelsen

ATELIER Project Leader