CiviESCo srl
CiviESCo has built up experience over the years in building and financing green operations and projects has convinced them that many well-structured initiatives are self-liquidating and that only innovative business models and innovative financing schemes can encourage investments in sustainability and social investments. In line with the European vision and directives towards 2050, CiviESCo involves the territory designing long-term virtuous processes, which allow an economy based on knowledge and innovation, which is more efficient, greener and more enterprising with an increasing employment. All this in synergy with the local entrepreneurial fabric, developing Business Networks through the establishment of partnerships with research and development institutions.
CiviESCo has collected 30 Million € from the European Investment Bank in order to develop green operations on a local, national and European basis, when possible, as certified ESCo in EPC modalities using business models and innovative financing schemes, specifically built for each investment initiative mainly operating in the fields of urban regenerations and/or single assets and infrastructures retrofits
CiviESCo main activities are the following:
- Financial advisory to smart cities and energy efficiency: Support to cities, which aim to activate urban regeneration actions through financial advisory activities: identification of financial resources, definition of Business Plans and Business models, structuring of innovative financial schemes.
- Advice and Energy Diagnosis: verification of the energy management methods of an organisation and the identification of improvement interventions and ancillary services.
- Energy Efficiency: Adoption of the best available technologies in order to limit energy consumption and enhance production processes.
- Capital intensive: CiviESCo promotes interventions on public assets through the development of Public Private Partnerships in project financing.
- Energy Efficiency sections (white tees or certificates): The energy efficiency certificates can be requested by every company all over Italian territory, that achieves results in terms of energy efficiency.
CiviESCo is the financial advisor of the project. Its main role consists in supporting the Lighthouse Cities to build the most adequate business models and financial schemes and the Fellow Cities to replicate the actions carried out by Lighthouse Cities. CiviESCo is responsible for the deployment of a new financial instrument, aiming at supporting the implementation of smart urban solutions through the development of new sustainable business models and financial arrangements. Its task focuses on increasing financial revenues and economic feasibility studies of the smart urban solutions, through rethinking the value chain of energy efficiency solutions, including perspectives like Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), identification of bankable business models, Energy Service Company (ESCO) approaches and new market players.